&hint1=I am a 19th century lithograph by Daumier& &hint2=I satirize the deplorable state of the French judiciary at the time I was painted& &hint3=I am symbolic of a lack of civil rights under a repressive regime& &hint4=My title means "you have the chance to speak, explain yourself"& &choices=Rue Transnonian;The Stonebreakers;The Interior of My Studio;Boulevard des Capucines;Chestnut Tree at Louveciennes;Vous avez la parole, expliquez-vous& &answer=Vous avez la parole, expliquez-vous& &title=Vous avez la parole, expliquez-vous& &search=Honore Daumier& &artist=Honore Daumier& &medium=Black and white lithograph& &date=1835& &location=Private collection& &dimensions=10 1/4" x 1'1 3/4"&